Custom Solar Shading Systems


Solar Shades

Solar Shades allow you to maintain your outdoor view while minimizing glare on TVs and home computers (the darker the fabric color, the better the glare control).

These shades also protect your furnishings by blocking damaging UV rays, and reduce heat transmittance to keep your home comfortable (the lighter the fabric color, the better the temperature control).

Solar Shade Fabric Openness FactorSolar Shade In Kitchen

Choose between Solar Shade fabrics ranging from 3% to 14% openness. The fabric's openness determines the clearness of the outward view and UV blockage.

Our Solar Shades are available with:

A Cordless Lift System - a safety solution for homes with children or pets.
Continuous Loop Lift System - making it easy to raise large shades.
Motorization System - makes hard to reach shades and heavy shades easy to operate.  Raise and lower multiple shades with a hand held or wall mounted switch. Perfect for those with special needs and homes with children or pets.

Contact Us Today

(207) 621-9832

Office Address:
24 Meadow Hill Drive
Farmingdale, ME 04344

(800) 690-1998

Window Coverings

Shop-At-Home Window Covering Service

Serving the Waterville & Greater Augusta, Maine area as well as Central, Mid-Coast and Portland Maine.

Call Us for a Free On-Site Consultation


Also be sure to visit our new site for Printed Graphic Shades


Green Nature Logo


HunterDouglas Logo


Horizons Logo


MechoShade Logo


Draper Logo
